A great spiritual scholar, in his remarkable speech “Irfan Ilahi,” says:
“Up until today, this concept has been understood very little, and I can say that even the Prophets and Saints have been treated separately, and no one has truly understood this – that there are many vices that are religious vices, but the one committing them is not necessarily guilty of a religious sin. Instead, they are a patient suffering from a physical illness. This is a vast subject, and Allah has granted me special knowledge regarding it. Currently, some prominent doctors are focusing on it, but their research is still in its infancy. However, the knowledge I have been given is so vast that, by Allah’s grace, it surpasses their research. From this, I have concluded that religious sins can be divided in such a way that a person guilty of a certain sin should go to a doctor, while another should seek a spiritual guide. I have even researched to the point that certain human sins are caused by physical illness… The fact is that the body and the soul have a great influence on each other. Hazrat Masih Maud (as) wrote in detail about this and explained that when illness occurs in the body, it also affects the soul. This is a door to knowledge, which your future leaders will expand upon. I do not know whether I will have the opportunity to elaborate on it further or not.”
(Irfan Ilahi, pages 36-35)
He further states:
“If I get the opportunity, I will complete this research. But if I am unable to do so, then remember that there are certain spiritual illnesses whose treatment can be done by doctors. Keeping this in mind, you should make efforts on your own, continue your research, and assist those who are focusing on this area and striving for it so that a new revolution occurs in the world and the world progresses further. For now, I will say this much: there are some spiritual illnesses for which one should not go to a spiritual guide or saint, but rather seek a doctor or physician. These illnesses are either caused by weakness or deficiencies in the nerves of the back, the brain, or due to specific conditions. For example, at times, adultery may not be a moral or religious crime, but could be the result of a specific mental illness. Similarly, certain robberies, thefts, and lies could be the result of specific deficiencies in the body. The treatment for these cannot be as effectively addressed by spiritual practices as it can by physical medical treatment.”
He continues:
“However, since my research is not yet complete, I cannot elaborate on this topic in detail at the moment, and I leave it for another time when perhaps I or one of you may have the ability to express it.”
(Irfan Ilahi, pages 38-37)
Certain diseases that seem to be moral or spiritual in nature are, in fact, physical illnesses, and can be effectively treated with homeopathic medicines. Below are just a few examples for the readers to consider:
It is stated that “Lachesis patients are prone to dangerous doubts. Initially, they begin to think that everyone is talking against them or that something is being added to their food and drink. They even begin to doubt their close relatives. Over time, these symptoms continue to intensify. Such patients should be treated with Lachesis.”
(Homeopathy – Modern Edition, Volume 1 & 2, page 547)
It is further stated: “A patient brought to me was a child who had developed a habit of stealing. When asked, she said she was doing it because it was God’s will. Such patients should be treated with Lachesis, as they have an intense religious inclination, even if it leads them to disobey God… The most dangerous symptom is that sometimes they might think it is God’s will for them to kill someone. These patients may even go as far as to commit murder or attempt to do so.”
(Homeopathy – page 548)
Dr. Kent’s opinion on this remedy is that it is effective not just in a specific region but worldwide, showing its relevance in treating various destructive behaviors like jealousy, mischief, and corruption in people’s natures.
Sulphur patients often have a strong inclination to philosophy. If this tendency becomes extreme, even a small dose of Sulphur can make a noticeable difference.
(Homeopathy – page 784)
Cannabis Indica:
The patient often engages in nonsensical arguments and lacks logical consistency in their thoughts. They begin talking about something reasonable, only to abruptly change the subject without any rationale.
This remedy is for patients who often question themselves about whether they have completed a task or said something to someone. They become mentally fatigued and can no longer handle intellectual tasks.
(Homeopathy – page 185)
Aurum Met:
Aurum Met patients may appear to be depressed or melancholic, but when provoked, they may become violent and even consider or attempt to commit murder.
(Homeopathy – page 111)
The key symptom for Chamomilla is a lack of generosity, a selfish nature, and a tendency to suddenly become angry at others, though they are mostly focused on their own needs and interests.
(Homeopathy – page 271)
You are aware that the mother of the Fourth Khalifa (ra) was named Maryam, and her wish was that her son become a doctor. Allah fulfilled this wish in the most marvelous way, and indeed, he became an outstanding physician, helping thousands and millions of patients through his spiritual and medical knowledge.
Before assuming the leadership of the community, he had already helped many through homeopathic treatments. Once Allah granted him the high office of Khilafat, the scope of his influence expanded even further, allowing him to serve even more people. His profound understanding of both the physical and spiritual realms allowed him to view people’s ethical and spiritual states deeply. Therefore, his opinions are not only important as a medical expert but also as a great spiritual leader.
Returning to the main topic, the Fourth Khalifa (ra) also mentions another homeopathic remedy,
“Iodum can provoke severe anger. If patients with this condition do not receive treatment in childhood, they may grow up to become dangerous criminals, capable of committing murder without any external provocation.”
(Homeopathy – page 469)
Nux Vomica:
Patients with this remedy may develop disturbing urges, such as the desire to throw their children into fire or kill their husbands, even though they might love them dearly. The remedy is effective if these urges are accompanied by other symptoms that require it.
(Homeopathy – page 470)
Tarentula patients often feel that their dignity is being insulted, which causes them to simmer with anger and make plans for revenge. They may also act in a cunning or even insane way.
(Homeopathy – page 793)
Sulphuric Acid:
Sulphuric acid is an excellent remedy for breaking the habit of alcoholism. A drop of pure sulphuric acid should be added to a large glass of water, and the patient should consume it in three doses throughout the day. There may be no better remedy for this condition in the medical world.
(Homeopathy – page 790)
For cigarette addiction, Sulphuric acid is also recommended.
(Homeopathy – page 869)
Lilium Tig:
The Lilium Tig patient typically holds extreme religious views and can be quite hysterical. This remedy is excellent for such individuals.
(Homeopathy – page 565)
Fluoric Acid:
Fluoric acid is a great remedy for individuals who have fallen into sexual promiscuity and are unable to break free from it, despite recognizing their own deterioration.
(Homeopathy – page 391)
Natrum Mur:
This remedy is particularly useful for individuals who fall into the trap of imagined love, especially elderly women who become obsessed with false notions of affection.
(Homeopathy – page 691)
Plumbum is said to be effective for those who engage in deceit and dishonesty. If this is true, it should be used widely across the world.
(Homeopathy – page 679)
From these few examples, readers can gain an understanding of how the Fourth Khalifa (ra) so clearly identified the mental, ethical, and spiritual diseases that plague many individuals and suggested homeopathic remedies that could help them. One can even recognize similar patterns in people around them and think about how to help them. It is indeed possible to alleviate their suffering using homeopathic treatments, Insha’Allah.
As the writer is involved in homeopathic treatments, they are unsure to what extent other forms of medicine consider a patient’s mental and ethical state when diagnosing treatments. However, it is hoped that other medical professionals will take into account the guidance of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra), who said:
“Remember that some spiritual diseases can be treated by doctors. Keeping this in mind, you should continue your efforts and research, and assist those who are working in this area so that a new revolution occurs in the world and the world progresses one step further. Ameen.”
(Irfan Ilahi, page 37, 1919)
(Siddiq Ashraf Ali – India)
Courtesy: Al-Fazl