Our body has an immune system naturally designed to fight infections and diseases. Whenever an infection or illness attacks the body, this immune system is activated. This process often raises the body’s temperature above normal levels, which we perceive as fever.

Causes of Fever

  • Infections: Fever often occurs when there is any type of infection in the body.
  • Side Effects of Medications: Overuse or misuse of allopathic medicines can trigger fever as a reaction.
  • Serious Illnesses: Diseases like tuberculosis (TB) or cancer may result in fever.
  • Contagious Diseases: Illnesses caused by contagious pathogens can lead to fever.
  • Hidden Infections: An undetected infection in the body might result in fever.
  • Organ-Specific Infections: Fever can be caused by infections in the kidneys, stomach, intestines, lungs, or uterus.
  • Cold Weather: In winter, fever can result when the body’s immunity weakens, and the immune system fights off external cold, causing a rise in body temperature.
  • Injury or Abscess: A fever may develop when an abscess forms, or if a foreign object causes an infection in the body.


When fever develops, symptoms vary depending on its underlying cause:

  • Kidney-Related Fever: Symptoms may include back pain, burning during urination, and the presence of pus or blood in urine.
  • Stomach/Intestine Infections: Symptoms may involve stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Lung Diseases: Symptoms include cough, phlegm, chest pain, or difficulty breathing.

Doctors should carefully examine these symptoms to identify the cause of fever. Additionally, in homeopathy, individualization plays a key role, as every patient’s case is unique. A homeopathic practitioner must never overlook these individual symptoms when determining the remedy.

Fever and Homeopathy

Initial Remedies:

  • Septic Fever: Pyrogenium 1M
  • Diphtheria: Diphtherinum 1M
  • Typhoid History: Typhoidinum 1M
  • Suppressed Fever: Ignatia 1M
  • Bone Fever: Bryonia 1M

Symptom-Based Remedies:

  • Bitter taste for everything: China 200
  • Only water tastes bitter: Arsenicum Album 200
  • Everything except water tastes bitter: Aconite 200
  • Hot head, cold hands and feet: Belladonna 200
  • Hot head and hands, cold feet: Aconite 200
  • Hot head, hands, and feet: Bryonia 200
  • Warm hands and feet, cold head: Cina 200
  • Patient stays quietly under a blanket: Nux Vomica 200
  • Restless and unable to lie still: Baptisia 200
  • Restlessness in legs and body stiffness: Rhus Tox 200
  • Patient avoids blankets: Hepar Sulphur 200
  • Warm face, dry tongue, no thirst: Pulsatilla 200
  • One cheek red, the other pale: Chamomilla 200
  • Fever every night: Syphilinum 200
  • Fever during the day: Medorrhinum 200
  • Fever from 4 PM to 8 PM: Lycopodium 200
  • Severe pain in bones and eyes: Eupatorium 200

If No Remedy Works:

When fever does not subside with any remedy, a single dose of Sulphur 30 may be given, followed by at least six hours of observation.

Important Note:

The medicines and symptoms mentioned here are based on personal experience and practice. There are numerous other homeopathic remedies for fever.

Self-medication is strongly discouraged. Only a qualified doctor knows which medicine to prescribe, in what dosage, and how to administer it based on the patient’s unique condition.

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