Don’t freak out over the word “cancer”. In health, there is no “disease”. You do not find “CANCER” in healthy tissue.

When cells have been severely damaged, they mutate, first into atypical cells and eventually into “cancer” cells, but will continue to replicate themselves in this state genetically. It’s NOT the cell that’s the problem, it’s the MEDIUM that has caused damage to the cell to begin with: an obstructed lymphatic system that cannot efficiently expel acidic wastes and chemical residues, leading to systemic acidosis and degeneration of tissue. But taking action to change this medium is ALWAYS an option and is, in most cases, within the individual’s control.

The task is to aid the lymphatic system in accomplishing its job properly by opening up the bodies 4 main channels of elimination with an emphasis on the skin and kidneys. As you begin to open up these channels, lymph fluid will begin to decongest, soften and flow more freely as the acidic medium slowly changes toward an alkaline, oxygenating and hydrating medium.

The four ways our body eliminates acidic cellular waste are through:

Urination (Kidneys)

Defication (Colon)

Respiration (Lungs)

Perspiration (Skin)

Practice these activities daily to assist in, moving lymphatic fluid, and supporting your channels of elimination.

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